Naked Brain News

It's kinda like news for smart people and stuff.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

April 12th, 1912

“They called it the ship of dreams, and it was, it really was,” spattered some old hag at a rather confused looking Bill Paxton. “Uh, game-over man?” he replied.

Thank god the Titanic crashed. I’m so happy all those people died helplessly, else there never would have been a dramatic adaptation made from the events to film. No Leonardo DiCaprio screaming he’s the king of the world from the bow of a CGI ship. No nude Kate Winslet, stuck graciously into a PG-13 film for all of us pubescent boys to gawk at. Thanks for making all those people freeze to death so we could sit in a warm theater and enjoy ourselves, many of us three or one-hundred times.

Thank god those Palestinian terrorists kidnapped Israeli athletes and murdered them, and thank god that Israel created an assassination squad to find those responsible and murder them, because Eric Bana, Geoffrey Rush, and Daniel Craig totally rocked in the movie version of these actual events. It was seriously awesome.

Now Oliver Stone is making a movie about 9/11, and Paul Greengrass is making a movie about the events of Flight 93. I’m so glad. In all honesty, I thought Hotel Rwanda was great, The Constant Gardner intriguing, I mean, there have been so many movies based on atrocious “actual events” that to list all of them would take me weeks.

However, the films themselves have purpose, they are intended to teach us about the past in hopes to influence our future decisions, creating awareness about the... oops I would love to finish but I have to go eat dinner and do some online shopping.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I just saw the Constant Gardner. The film is excellent..." a quote from a post of your's on Sept. 3rd. So you thought it was more than intriguing. And that was such a copout ending to this post.

11:45 PM  
Blogger Kevin Lewis said...

The cop out ending was the point of this post... I like movies, I realize their value goes beyond entertainment a lot of times, I'm just pointing out that we even though we (and I) can be moved by a film, it doesn't really take too long before I'll stop caring about the issues that the film was commenting on.

1:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of "oops blah blah blah" I think "...oooohhhh shiny" would have worked better.

10:38 AM  
Blogger Kevin Lewis said...

well oohhh shiny to you to. The dinner thing is because that's usually the cliche, we watch the evening news then go right back to eating our dinner...

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you mean "have the evening news on in the backgroud while we stuff our faces"?

2:21 PM  
Blogger Kevin Lewis said...

Well.. ever since he was in that Mel Gibson movie he's been moving in slow-motion.

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a good discussion of Munich, explains the controversy a bit...

10:12 AM  

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