Naked Brain News

It's kinda like news for smart people and stuff.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I did indeed spontaneously combust, apparently I survived. I have to say though, robots that breath fire are the way of the future. I've seen it while I slip into prescient dreams laying in the bathtub at night. Every corner we turn we will be facing giant baby-faced fire-breathing killer Japanese robots. Pause. Rejoice.

Ok so this is an awesome picture of a robot I found on we-make-money-not-art. Great resource. This robot is called Giant Torayan, and I think it's some sort of art project. None too sure, but really does it matter? No! It doesn't matter. This exists, and that will be enough. There were plans to make one that would be 66 feet tall, a very respectable aspiration, however plans were thwarted "because of some political reasons." Which is a shame. Anyway, now that I'm back in the swing of things (school...Moscow) I'll be trying to maintain articles of some regularity. I'm shooting for three or four a week. Man I'm hung over...


Blogger Kevin Lewis said...

Not at all. In fact, Jesus wants you to be aroused by giant baby-faced Japanese killer fire-breathing robots.

10:13 AM  

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