Naked Brain News

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Which do you think does more harm to society?

SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- Shooting. Killing. Vehicular mayhem. Sexual conquests. Teenagers can experience it all through today's almost-anything-goes breed of video games, primarily among those rated "M" for mature. The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) is responsible for that rating system, and this self-regulating video game industry group has suddenly found itself on the hot seat. - CNN

So what's the problem again? Any game with mayhem, sex, and violence sounds great to me. I played violent video games as a kid, and look at me, I turned out fine! I'm just like everyone else. Who doesn't shoot innocent civilians while having sex with five women at the same time as driving a car while under the influence of highly illegal narcotics? Duh, nobody! The games we really have to shield children from are ones like Barbies Horse Adventures, the irreparable damage games like that have done on society as a whole is staggering. People blame games like Mortal Kombat for school shootings...someone didn't get the news letter, it's games like Barbies Horse Adventures that sets people off on killing rampages.

In fact that reminds me, the NRA won't be having their meeting in Columbus, Ohio this year because Columbus decided to outlaw pistol grip handles on assault rifles with detachable clips. What a bunch of idiots. "Well, we here in Columbus, Ohio have decided that it is too dangerous to have assault rifles with pistol grips and detachable clips legally available to anyone over 21 years of age. Don't worry, you can still have an arsenal of high powered sniper rifles and dual .40 caliber Berettas. We want you to still be able to have drive by shootings and stuff, we're not taking that away. We just want to make sure it's only the drug lords and the Mafia that will have assault rifles," said some incompetent politician yesterday. I'm not going to join the NRA, or shoot anybody, but I enjoy shooting high-power assault rifles at things that deserve it, like cans and clay pigeons.

How I loathe aluminum cans. One day, when I was a kid, eight aluminum cans ganged up on me, saying they were looking for lunch money. I didn't have any...and it's hard to say this, but they assaulted me, sexually. I'm 22 and comfortable with talking about it now, but I'll never forget, and I swear on my life, one day I will find the cans that...hurt me...and I will shoot so many holes in them that there won't be anything left.


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