Naked Brain News

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Pinko Russian Arab Commie Terrorists

I just got out of seeing George Clooney’s second directorial effort, Good Night and Good Luck. It’s about McCarthyism in the 50’s, the red scare, and the communist blacklist. How people were being tried and labeled as communists without merit, trials, or evidence, and how anyone who opposed McCarthy’s methods was subsequently labeled as a communist, pinko, what have you. Anyway, the movies in black and white, a little slow, terrifically acted, etc.

What’s really interesting about it though is how Clooney (a degenerate commie himself), comments on our current political situation, without actually commenting on it. Unlike Michael Moore, and his I’m-going-to-beat-you-over-the-head-with-a-stick-till-
you-get-it method, Clooney does it more discreetly. He shows us how ridiculous McCarthy was in his unfounded accusations, and even though he may have been right with a few of his accusations, for a large majority of them he was wrong. We start making connections, maybe subconsciously, to Dubya and his terrorism campaign, his secret prisons, and his war of ideologies he could never hope to fully grasp. Maybe though, Clooney is only preaching to the choir, and it will never make a difference, because the only people who will see this film are the ones who probably already knew the points anyway.

Is this our plight? To be ruled by the stupid masses who don’t comprehend their own beliefs? Unfortunately I think so. For those who hope that they can change the mind of a person who doesn’t really know why he/she has his/her beliefs in the first place, it’s a sad circumstance. Like civil union (gay marriage). How can we explain the hypocrisies and false logic to someone whose beliefs are defined by a book written 2000 years ago? Or to someone who only wants to believe in their own ways without actually thinking about them. I don’t know, maybe television commercials, or if we could start subtly slipping in messages into popular reality TV shows. Maybe then, and with a few generations, we could make a change. Until then, good night, and good luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently you've sent all the Pinkos into hiding or something. Woahaoehaostgnflanlknglakndlnlsden. So tired.

9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which is why Arrested Development is going to be dead in another 10 episodes or so. Damn those bears.

I wouldn't call GN&GL mainstream either. But that's just me.

3:05 PM  
Blogger Kevin Lewis said...

It's like a mainstream movie that people are destined not to see... does that make sense. It's hard to call anything with Clooney in it non-mainstream, but it's produced by Warner Independent (an oxymoron in itself). If it's backed by Warner Bros... how can it be independently financed??????

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because 2929 Entertainment (the Cuban/Wagner company) and some Europeon companies paid for it. The only thing Warners did was distribute.

As soon as you make a black & white movie and your name isn't Spielberg, you automatically lose all hope of being mainstream.

9:22 PM  
Blogger Kevin Lewis said...

What if your name is Steven Tarintino (part black and white?). Well... so it's financed by some European dudes (not a major studio) distributed by WB... I guess it's independent.

9:42 PM  
Blogger Kevin Lewis said...

Alex was saying how if your not Spielberg, and you made a B&W movie you lose all hope of being mainstream. I was just pointing out that segments of Kill Bill were in B&W and Tarintino is most definitely swimming with the rest of the salmon. Also Rodreguez with his City of Decadance or whatever it was.

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The House of Blue Leaves sequence was B&W out of necessity. Had to get rid of all that pesky red blood (because the MPAA thinks green or blue blood is okay, but not red). The Japanese got it in color the whole way through, and I assume that when we get the special edition DVD, the B&W will be removed. I have a feeling that the scenes in the chapel are B&W for the same reason.

How un-mainstream is Tarantino really? I want to elaborate, but the internet here is a righteous shut-my-mouth.

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you all were saying that Tarantino was not mainstream, which was confusing to me. But then everything tonight is damn confusing, so don't mind anything I've said after the "why Blue Leaves B&W" part. You should have seen me try to understand why this lady wanted me to basically give her money back for the movies she'd just turned in. I had no idea what the fuck she was talking about.

7:23 PM  
Blogger Kerstin said...

Kevin you're a commie

11:40 PM  

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